We do not accept insurance
We charge a monthly membership fee
Your insurance can be used for labs, studies, & referrals
Our monthly membership fee includes all of your care. There are no office visit copays or additional fees for care provided by us. If your insurance covers labs, pathology, xrays and studies and medications, the provider of those services may bill the charges to your insurance. However, we believe that our cash-pay, negotiated prices for these services will probably be lower than your portion of charges if you have the services billed to your insurance. We do not submit any charges to insurance, including medicare and medicaid. We will not claim your membership fees as office services, or provide "superbills" for you to submit. Our fee schedule is set such that an annual fee will be offset by avoiding one visit to the Emergency Department or to Urgent Care. Also, since we do not bill insurance, we have greater flexibility in managing your care via email, text, and telehealth visit, saving you valuable time from having to come to the office when it isn't necessary.
We understand that insurance premiums have become unaffordable for many Americans. Our practice membership works well when paired with one of the following: a health ministry cost sharing program such as Liberty, Samaritan Ministries, Medi-Share, Christian Healthcare Ministries or Sedera Health
a catastrophic health insurance plan, such as a high-deductible plan that covers emergency visits and hospitalizations; or
patients who self-insure through a savings plan. Whether you have other insurance or not, we will be happy to meet with you to discuss the benefits of joining our practice - lets make sure you have healthCARE!
Possibly! You will certainly feel like a VIP at our practice. Concierge patients enjoy access to the physician via office and home visits, text, email, and telehealth as well as phone access. However, some concierge practices charge a fee in addition to billing insurance. We do not submit bills or receive payment from insurance.
We have guidelines about after-hours and emergency calls. One of our goals is to provide outpatient care for you and avoid Urgent Care or Emergency Department visits whenever possible. We are available outside of office hours, for your urgent care needs.
We hope this is a very rare occurrence, and will do our best to help you stay well and out of the hospital. However, if you need emergency services or inpatient care, we will be in communication with your care team. We will make courtesy visits to the hospital when possible.
Chest pain, trouble breathing, the worse headache of your life, or a bone is sticking out of your body, or the equivalent.
Yes? Call an ambulance, immediately
No? Go to the next question
Yes! Call your physician on the direct line, or the office, for any needs you have! Or, you may text message or email through Atlas MD.
No: Go to next question
Do you have one of the following, or an equivalent problem:
YES: call your physician
NO: If you do not have one of the above, or an equivalent problem, go to the next question
Here are some examples:
CALL if you feel afraid that you may not be okay to wait until the next day and are considering going to the Emergency Department or Urgent Care (after reviewing above)
EMAIL if you need to be seen the next day. We will call you first thing in the morning, or feel free to simply come straight to our office during office hours
TEXT if you need to let us know something that will not require a response. An example would be that you have been in a car accident, and are on the way to the hospital. Or you are having chest pain and have decided to go the Emergency Department. Consider that a text message will likely wake us
Contact Details
212 NW 135th Way, Suite 20, Newberry, FL 32669
Our Location